To **** , ''DON'T know where to start & how to start.
BUT i decided that in one go ,let me put it all ,once for ever!!!!!!!!.
BY now you must have identified me with opposite gender & if u have ,you are absolutely right.i am extremely sorry for that .this was done so as to conceal my identity.you might use your brain to find & know me.(but it's almost a case of impossibility- one good suggestion "try googling ).
let me picturize it first .
You know me well enough (then).i think by now you must have forgotten me( my analysis predicts that).
I found you very appealing (note the tense used:),at that point of time.i might still (50% likely hood) find you appealing when i encounter you straight forward,but it will be the most unlikely thing that will happen.And it does support the fact that i couldn't talk to you although i had enumerable occasions if i wanted ,thus stating the very shyish ,diffident nature of mine & surely would nod your head in agreement ,once you recall me.But so are you.
True that girls are basically shy but you are truly an introvert.and i love( sorry 'like') such people who are calm,who do their work & who are so decent in appearance(although i saw you once in 'jeans' -looked odd in reference to your usual traditional wear).
1) i like atmosphere
that prevailed at your home.excellent family
2) family reminds me of your "'MOTHER'"
she is a great mother.i don't know whether tamilian women are such divinely people but beyond doubt i have a deep sense of
respect & regard for her.
3) i had witnessed the most funniest expressions ,all together at once on your face,when you expected me least (I passed by)at that instant.
4)one more instance where i captured another perspective of your personality was when you suddenly left off the place because of intrusion by a person about whom your interpretation was totally wrong.
4)Your sister very different from you.She is very free with everyone.very nice attitude of her's.
1) as i mentioned i kept avoiding you physically though i couldn't do it in my mind.
RESULT : had to face huge conflicts with my mind & finally i did succeed.
2) in the most unlikely case i found myself in an ackward position twice ,at your unexpected presence & at the same place though at different time frames.
Well i took all these pains to type (for the past 1hr 30 min) this to finish it once for all,to tell you all i ever wanted to say. It might be very foolish to say this in this manner ,but i need to maintain my annonimity .BUT I GUESS by now with enough number of hints through out these mails , you must have zeoroed on few selected people among which i hope, i am not one of them.Even if you have figured me out, i must say that i didn't cross the borders of decency & didn't hurt you in anyway ,if i did plz excuse me.
By learning that you have been admitted to MGIT, I sense a bad environment there (usually it's the case with all hyd coll) & suggest you to keep distance from boys (explanation : all boys in such coll are more like empty vessels that make a lot of noise ,hence there energy gets manifested in forms ,that keep them interested & obviously girls are an interesting topic to them).
You are by nature ,a sweet and soft character,hence i advice you to not fall prey to these camouflaged beings.You are a mature girl,i know it,but plz take care.
I must admit that your cute little face was one of the prime factors that kept me interested in you.(plz note that ,i here refer to the same interest that one shows with cute little babies and nothing beyond that) .
Again i should say that by the above line i will be terribly spoiling you (sorry for that) because every time ,you can't but help appreciating your beauty(which is the basic innate human nature) thus falling prey to materialistic forms which are helplessly temporary.
I know that i am getting PHILOSOPHICAL BUT only after seeing your orkut profile page containing SWAMI VIVEKANANDA in the "my communities section",i felt you could take it.
IT is very interesting to know (i assume) that you have an interest in spirituality.
IF i am right , I DANGEROUSLY sense an overlapping of many similar attitudes between us.
I hope i am wrong thus ending it here..........................
............once for ever.