Saturday, April 14, 2007

Ideal Proffesion

A defining moment where the thoughts & feelings triggered off the wave ,to put those into the following paragraph.
This one is about the ever looming large cloud on any undergraduate ,the cloud of career.
Thus here at this place i am witnessing the buzz of career plans of students of various disciplines right in their first & second year's.Among them were my close circle of friends ,who were busy preparing resume for the so called "summer internship" for the coming 75 day vacation.They seem to be caught up in this whirpool of cramming up the CV(resume) with all sorts of ..... , by the time they graduate.
I really cannot surrender myself to these senseless ,baseless and meaningless madness of stuffing up of undeserving list of useless activities and achievements that one puts into his CV.
What is all this nonsense noise about ?.Does one know in this process where is he leading himself to ? Does one realize what his needs are & what is his job & duty?. Does a sheet describing nothing but one's stupid behaviour ,need that much of advertising & celebration ?.
Who in this world can teach these people about what
they should be aspiring for ?
& who in this world can tell them that "all what one requires is already there.left to be harnessed...."

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